I accepted an invitation from the
College of Multimedia in Amsterdam to attend an informative meeting on FCP X. The College of Multimedia is a certified Apple training center, giving courses in the Final Cut Studio suite applications. (Luckily for them they also teach Adobe and Avid, among others)
The meeting took place yesterday. There were a lot of men and one woman, aged 70 plus(!). The instructor started out by saying that he did not represent Apple, he did not develop the new FCP and that we should not shoot the pianoplayer. He was like us, he assured as, and had gone through the same cycle of anger, frustration and disbelief. But then he started to take a look at FCP X and came to the conclusion that it wasn't all bad, that Apple developers had actually thought about this product! (duhh) "
They just shouldn't have called it Final Cut Pro."
There was a sadness about the presentation. He was the last of the Mohicans. From a seasoned FCP trainer he has been stripped to an absolute beginner. Of course his
mouth said maybe it wasn't all bad but the rest of his body and presentation spoke a different message. His colleague, who was also attending the meeting, was in a much worse state. As a teacher of DVD Studio Pro and Soundtrack Pro, the news of the applications being discontinued hit him like a hammer: "I am out of a job..." From one day to the next, his expertise was obsolete.
The unforgiveable thing was that Apple didn't even notify CMM to tell them about the new FCP X. They found out because students called them: "I have a course in FCP starting next week, will it be FCP 7 or X??" They were dumbfound. Nobody at the college had been prepared to answer that question...
The runthrough of FCP X features was informative. The group of FCP dinosaurs asked questions and most of them were answered. My last question was: "Are there any advantages to being a longtime FCP-user, when learning FCP X?" The answer, as Apple likes to call it, was 'revolutionary'.