Friday, September 2, 2011

Where's my jib?

If there's one thing I hate it's waiting. Especially if things keep being moved forward without obvious reason and you're not being informed. No, I'm not talking about your average video assignment where appointments and dates fly around like leaves in the wind- I'm talking about something I paid for over 2 months ago and that should have been delivered one month back...
Now 'things' happen and we all understand that, but rule number one in this -and any- business is to communicate to your customers what's going on. People will put up with a lot if only you will keep them informed. But that is not happening with my order from Glideshot Industries. I made special arrangements because I expected my jib to arrive at a certain time. But for no apparent reason that's all changed and I'm being kept in the dark. I'm afraid those high tilt shots won't be part of my shoot next week. And that s*cks. Just because it's a budget jib I shouldn't be getting 'budget service'..?


  1. Hi Jeroen

    Are they answering E-mails, phone calls,etc.
    The guys probably got bored of making them.
    Do you know if they shipped yet.
    He most likely moved us down the list,yanks 1st,euro's later.
    Are they still coming to my address or yours.

    grz Neal.

  2. I got a reply that they shipped, finally! They asked where to ship now, so I told them my address. Smooth tiltshots within a week or so..?

  3. I've found myself in a similar situation. I ordered the ReWo GH2 cage on June 2 and was told it would ship in 30 days. Initial emails weren't answered and now there is an automatic reply saying they aren't taking orders til Sept. 15. Very unprofessional. Lesson learned: cancel your Paypal and Ebay orders within 45 days or you're out of luck.

  4. It may be a good idea to add a note to a seller when ordering that if they don't deliver within a month, you reserve the right to cancel the order.

    In this case, they said 4-6 weeks but it's taking much longer. In general, I don't mind a little extra wait as long as I'm being kept up to date. That is key in customer relations and it's such an easy thing to do...

  5. Hoi Jeroen,

    Ik ben wel benieuwd naar je ervaringen met de Jib. Heb geinformeerd naar 1 tot 3 stuks alleen de verzendkosten worden dan minder. Lijkt mij niet kies om hier de prijzen te vermelden.

    Het valt natuurlijk tegen het wachten maar ook hoe lang je moet wachten zeker als je hierover niet geinformeerd word.

    Ben benieuwd naar de install op n tripod en het afstellen vd gewichten en waar haal je de gewichten vandaan?

    Ik hoop dat het wachten wordt beloond met prachtige opnamen.

    mvg, ton

    Mvg, ton

  6. Hai Ton,

    Ik weet inmiddels dat ze onderweg zijn maar ze kunnen nog bij de douane liggen. Er komen natuurlijk nog invoerrechten en BTW bij...

    Wat die gewichten betreft... wat oude gewichtjes op Marktplaats..? Hoeft niet veel te zijn natuurlijk, soms zie je ze zelfs bij het vuil liggen...

  7. Hmm...invoerrechten en btw maken het al met al weer een stuk duurder. Ik wacht even je bevindingen af.

    Mvg, ton

  8. Did you have any luck getting your jib in? I'm coming up on 30 days for my order (they told me 2-3 weeks before shipping) and I'm having regrets as well. I know finding contact info for them seems a little difficult, but using the following info that I found....

    3280C South Atlantic Ave. #4
    Daytona Beach Shores, FL, 32118
    p: (386) 566 7036

    ... simply connected me to a cell phone voicemail box.

    I sent an email to them a week ago and haven't heard anything. It's all very frustrating, as so many people have gotten their jibs just fine...


    Let me know how your situation has turned out/is progressing....

  9. Hi Ross,

    The jib has arrived.

    They're bonafide, just takes a while... ;-(
