Monday, June 6, 2011

I need some legs

SILK PRO 700DX legs
I've got a head, so that's taken care of. I've also got a ball leveler, thanks to a good tip from Neil, a loyal reader. Now I just need a nice set of legs. After doing a lot of reading and clicking, somewhere along the line I stumbled on a set of Slik Pro 700DX legs for US $89,- That's a price I can live with, especially considering the raving reviews.
These sticks are very hard to find in Holland and if you do, they are 2 to 3 times the US price... Maybe another purchase during my trip to the States this summer..? The only doubts I have about this tripod is the weight: 2.7 kgs for the legs only. If I add that to my fluid head and ball leveller, won't it match my big Manfrotto kit in weight? There must be something lighter, I don't mind if it only carries a few kilo's. But carbon is way out of my budget... Any ideas anyone?


  1. Hi Jeroen
    Found this the other day,
    maybe its worth a risk for 25 euro.
    Looks reasonable.
    I was going to get this stand because its so cheap,
    But I have 4 tripods allready and most of the time they live in the trunk of my car.

    gr Neal

  2. Got these legs from manfrotto art 055
    A very good system, nieuw price was around 250bucks.
    Got to be worth 75bucks.add your leveler and head and you have a nice system. Its a little heavy but thats the leveler's fault.
    I have a 701 head on this system to keep the weight down.It can handle a 5D rig with extras with ease.


  3. Thanks for the tips, Neil- I only just read them and already ordered the Slik!
